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Department of Business and Economics

Ausgewählte ökonomische Fragestellungen aus didaktischer Perspektive

Module: „Modul: Didaktische Grundlagen der Ökonomischen Bildung“ in den Bachelorstudiengängen nach LABG 2009 in Wirtschaftswissenschaft (Lehramt BK, Modul 3) bzw. Sozialwissenschaften (Lehramt GyGe, Modul 6 im Schwerpunkt „Ökonomische Bildung“)
Begleitmodul zur Masterthesis am Lehrstuhl Entrepreneurship und Ökonomische Bildung im Lehramt, Master Modellversuch (Modul 11)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Andreas Liening
Type of event: Lecture
Language: German
Date and place: On Tuesdays, 16:00 - 18:00 (Start: October 8, 2024)
SRG I 2.008
Exam performance: Written Exam

Course description

Behavioral anomalies with respect to economic decisions represent a cause of market failure. In such cases, it is precisely the individually rational actions of individual economic agents that can lead to collective impairment. Information asymmetries, the existence of barriers to competition, and the provision of public goods are some areas where this phenomenon can be observed. The goal is for participants to be able to model behavioral economic phenomena and develop strategies to cope with them. Furthermore, the lecture draws on the topics covered in Module 2 "Accounting and Finance". Partial aspects of the previous courses are taken up and placed in the center of the lecture, where they are analyzed according to aspects such as necessary specialized knowledge, possibilities of didactic reduction and further mediation-scientific aspects.